
Zoom teeth whitening vs laser
Zoom teeth whitening vs laser

zoom teeth whitening vs laser

  • Cost 90% less than laser teeth whitening.
  • Increased likelihood of tooth sensitivity.
  • Must set dental appointments and take time out of your day for treatments.
  • zoom teeth whitening vs laser zoom teeth whitening vs laser

  • Must space applications out 1-2 weeks each.
  • Under dental supervision in case of extreme sensitivity.
  • While you would bring a tray home and wear it nightly for a few days or weeks (depending on the severity of your discoloration), laser bleaching purports to remove all stains after 2-4 thirty minute applications (1 per 10 days). Lasers are different because they heat up the oxygen process more quickly. With whitening trays, the peroxide itself releases oxygen molecules that seep into the outer layer of your tooth, called enamel, and break down stains over a few hours. Dentists have to apply a peroxide paste-either hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, both in higher doses than normal-across your teeth, and then heat it up with an argon or CO2 laser. How does laser work in contrast to trays?Ĭontrary to the high-tech notion that the lasers themselves may blast the dirt off from your teeth, the laser itself doesn’t do the cleaning. The fact is that laser whitening is still very much a new technology, and the battle over scientific data-including response times, increased sensitivity and danger to your teeth’s pulp-is still being challanged. It might cost a bit more, but you’ll never have to worry again. The marketing offers customers whiter teeth in a shorter period of time than any other whitening solution out there. Laser whitening treatment is the latest modern dentistry fad, and it’s working. What’s being promised there? Pearly white teeth within an hour? Impossibly white incisors? professional teeth whitening trays-which is best? Next time you spot an ad pushing laser tooth whitening, take a closer look.

    Zoom teeth whitening vs laser